Plaque found in St. Pelagius Visigoth

13/03/2010 admin 0

  Inventory: 50054 Object / Document: Generic Plate Rating: Architectural Elements; Architectural Decoration Material / Support: Limestone Technique: Size. Beveled Dimensions / Extension: Height = 85 cm; Width = 68 cm; Thickness = 12 cm / Style Cultural Context: Middle Ages. Christian. Altomedieval. Visigoth Dating: 601=700 (S.VII) Description: […]

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Roman bas-relief of Meleager and the boar

05/03/2010 admin 0

Inventory: 2750 Object / Document: Low relief Generic Classification: Sculpture Material / Support: Technical White Marble: Carving. Sculpted Dimensions / Extension: Diameter = 18 cm; Weight = 1055 Article; Maximum width = 14 cm / Style Cultural Context: Roman Iconography: Meleager Dating: 1=200 (Siglos I – II d.C.) […]

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Ataifor lotus in M.A.N.

03/03/2010 admin 0

Inventory: 63049 Object / Document: Generic Classification Ataifor: Ceramics Stuff / Support: Technical Clay: A torno. Engobado. Cooking. Painted. Green and manganese Dimensions / Extension: Height = 5 cm; Diameter = 21 cm / Style Cultural Context: Middle Ages. Al-Andalus. Altomedieval. Iconography Caliphate: Plant motifs; Flower; Lotus Dating: […]

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Olifante califal

27/02/2010 admin 0

Fact Sheet No. Inventory: 2577 Collection: IVORIES AND BONE Timeline: X III- XIV ? School: Cordovan (?) / Spanish (?) Place of production: Cordova (?) / Spain (?) Material: Ivory. Technique: Size Dimensions: 45 cm. Location: CABINET, Showcase 21.4 Give […]

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Cordoba Roman lamps

17/02/2010 admin 0

LVDI ROMANI. Entertainment in Roman Hispania. It is the title of an exhibition virtualorganizada by the Ministry of Culture through the National Archaeological Museum and the National Museum of Roman Art in Merida. A playful view of Rome, […]