The foreground of the city of Córdoba. 1752

The foreground of the city of Córdoba. 1752

18/09/2010 admin 3

The drawing is anonymous and although it has been used in some studies, this is the first time you see the light at an acceptable resolution and accompanied by a comprehensive analysis of the document. While there are drawings […]

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The Great Mosque of Cholula novohispana

19/12/2009 Dr. Mabuse 2

In an earlier chapter sat suspicion that Córdoba, through its Great Mosque, was, in the last, inspiring element of some samples of Spanish American colonial architecture. If we approach the matter that story of architecture […]

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Córdoba in Aswan

09/11/2009 JULBE wife 0

El recuerdo de Córdoba y de su cultura trascienden, a pesar de determinadas instancias cordobesas, el ámbito español para hacerse universal. No es que esté asociado a la cultura y arte árabe-musulmán, si no que cuando éste quiere hacerse cosmopolita […]

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The Cordoba Cultural Center Marrakech

19/10/2009 Dr. Mabuse 1

“During Antiquity, Cordoba has been a powerful intellectual axis of Andalusian culture in the Iberian Peninsula ; for centuries, it has strengthened the unbreakable bonds with the splendid Marrakech : all-two sister cities through a fluid exchange […]

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The Paris Cordoba

28/05/2009 lamalgama 0

Como ya dije hace una semana, en mi reciente periplo parisino me encontré de pronto y sopetón, como el que no quiere la cosa, con un estilo arquitectónico familiar para mí. Cerca de los Jardínes de Luxemburgo, en la Avenida […]

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Córdoba in the tropics

21/05/2009 Manuel Harazem 3

Palais des Ursulines. Havana. Cuba. I like the morning after the coffee drank Havana walk about with my ensendío sigarro. I have a house in Havana designed for you with floor and ivory […]