The foreground of the city of Córdoba. 1752

The foreground of the city of Córdoba. 1752

18/09/2010 admin 3

The drawing is anonymous and although it has been used in some studies, this is the first time you see the light at an acceptable resolution and accompanied by a comprehensive analysis of the document. While there are drawings […]

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Capitals in the House Pilate Sevilla

16/02/2010 admin 0

This weekend Cicero've been doing some French friends for Sevilla. Although the city has changed a lot since I left after five years of study in it, still remembered certain rides and places […]

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121 Cordoba capitals in the Giralda

23/11/2009 admin 12

Last Saturday, having tea at the home of Manuel parishioner, talked about the issues that usually also talked on this platform. At some point he left the issue of Imagined Museum of Cordoba, del que Manuel opinó que le parecía […]