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Doors Moorish Rabat-Salé

27/12/2009 Manuel Harazem 12

For many, years (was the year of the Lord of 1977) my friend and fellow student P. and I walked rummaging in the parish archives of Santa Marina with the purpose of mounting descabalado ourselves no prior experience or address […]

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Córdoba in Aswan

09/11/2009 JULBE wife 0

El recuerdo de Córdoba y de su cultura trascienden, a pesar de determinadas instancias cordobesas, el ámbito español para hacerse universal. No es que esté asociado a la cultura y arte árabe-musulmán, si no que cuando éste quiere hacerse cosmopolita […]

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The Cordoba Cultural Center Marrakech

19/10/2009 Dr. Mabuse 1

“During Antiquity, Cordoba has been a powerful intellectual axis of Andalusian culture in the Iberian Peninsula ; for centuries, it has strengthened the unbreakable bonds with the splendid Marrakech : all-two sister cities through a fluid exchange […]

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The minbar of Cordoba and his "children"

09/05/2009 admin 3

Some comments extracted from the network to approach the minbar of Córdoba, model for the construction of almimbares, o mimbares, throughout North Africa, where the most valuable, the Marrakech was built in Cordoba. A call […]