Cordoba at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha (Qatar)

A Caliphate capital 30 inches high and 40 width, dated circa 975, and probably originated Medina Azahara. Made in marble. Reference museum: SW.151.2008.

A tinted ivory box black, from Spain, unspecified origin (therefore, leave it to your discretion to include it in the Museum), dated in the year 1003 and with dimensions of 4,3 cm, 7,1 wide, 36,7 cm long. Reference museum: IV.4.1998.

One of the well-known fawns of Medina Azahara, purchased at auction a few years ago. Considered the source supplier, was developed in the mid-tenth century, bronze. Measures 48,1 centimeters tall. Reference museum: MW.7.1997.

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    • I missed you already missed by these threads, Door. When you finally arrive! and a great coup capitelazo.

  1. Not at all. The capital is the one that was auctioned last year on the island of pirates, the box is almost certainly Cordoba, and cervatilo… this if it is amazing, it is a clone of the one in the archaeological, and this is not possible because scientifically there were two different. This is going to be the one on the Piazza San Lorenzo, it was a very good replica. Like it have been cast as authentic.
    Door, Put links to the pages of the museum please.

  2. Of the 60. It lasted less than a euro at the door of a school. The locals came erudos, inaugurated the reminder to Ibn Hazm, a politician fascist mustache off his stick in the mouth and let some topicazos, the priest with bathed jisopo false Fawn began to throw water at the mouth. The scratched his crotch Bojollo. And a black shirt espabilao it became clear: that bug is worth at meno bronse hard temple….

  3. today, Hartnell rods in my bar E, abderraman spirit touched me with her fingers, that there le bless.
    I approached the front corteinglés opportunities, and I met with cabinet door full of books about Cordoba, had everything so I spent a little while watching. Suddenly my eyes met a billet 600 edited by cajasur pages and with the title:
    Parts Catalog
    Tomo II
    The Angel Alan Galindo

    And illustrated, and also counting the avatars of each piece of Andalusian eborario, and also in this volume are all Hispanic Muslim, I am a porrón. And for only 10 euros, and also there are still two after me one.

    So friends… I just turn on the boats putocherif ivory. Ask me anything you want that I have all the answers, The book is passed, recommend cordoba geeks cagandoleches assets that you go over there.

    Allah is merciful!!

    • Nothing, see pasándonos dose, but in moderation, lest the frikadas q q compose this hubbub of excitement and glue Heritage cataloger absent, q we enter the uvi by a coma of “What amazing Josú! and cuore attack of rage and malice to discovered the wonders of the legacy of our ancestors so far from us.

  4. Flipa with fawn!!!
    750 million pesetas paid “anonymous” by the figurine of yore, which was sold in 1997 (ten years ago and was no longer the source fawn in San Lorenzo). But if you read the full story you will see how many are curious coincidences with the subject of the beams.
    The board tried unsuccessfully to recover (Similar to the beams), apparently it was owned by a noble French family (Similar to the beams), and it seems also that the piece came from Spain in the nineteenth century (Similar to the beams), you “seems” How they were so sure.
    In the end, too many coincidences for my taste, also, with the price so interesting that the business had, Who dares to say that it is false.

    But let fawns. The first news of the fawns that are written meeting Luis M. Rámirez of Deza home, that is stated in the Weekly Colorful Spanish, that in the ruins of the old Cordoba, found two cervatillas, a deer and a doe, ue and one was in the monastery of St. Jerome (look at this convent is the exit door Cordoba countless pieces). Good, after multiple avatars, today one of the fawns DOS is in the archaeological Cordoba and the other in Madrid.
    How and when sprouts a third identical to one of the two existing (indeed different because they are not emptied mold), that travels the world, dark world, Antique traffic, where dwells Tongo, to finish in a distant museum in Qatar.

    This of fawns begins to interest me greatly.

    • There q register to download images. How cool pictures and objects of all kinds! go down and linking each what we see. Let's see if I can leave the other famous doe q Medina Azahara in Madrid

  5. On the tab page that is in the National Archaeological Museum (within the Ministry of Culture) devoted to the supplier deer there has put the following:

    “For stylistic analysis, although Madrid doe is smaller and less stylized, has clear similarities with two other pieces appeared in the sixteenth century in the ruins of the palace of Madinat al-Zahra. One of them is in the Archaeological Museum of Cordoba. Second, disappeared in the early nineteenth century the Monastery of Guadalupe, where it had been deposited, was recovered and is from 1997 at the National Museum of Qatar.”

    I guess that explains something the subject of the two (it seems that there were three) fawns.

  6. Although they look small, and to illustrate your comments about San Lorenzo Fawn, I have here a postcard which shows the deer all made reference to that:

  7. You should have added, Mabuse, it must have taken a photo for the postcard the same evening of his inauguration. Because the next day I remember that it was stupid, bronze flesh-knacks.

    • Are you sure, Manuel? So little time lasted? Do not know. Awareness is that I have to see him for long. I do not remember whether much or little, these very relative concepts, especially if based on childhood memories, but I have the perfect image of fawn and its location at the head. So much so that, years ago, yes, I was surprised not to see, as if it was there all the / my life. That (me) indicates that some time must survive. Do not take the opposite is, Manuel. I'll have to adjust the timeline of my memory.

  8. It was of course a joke with exaggeration root, Doctor. I do not know how long it lasted, I remember it just like you in the mist of memory. Nor do I know if after his disappearance, returned to be placed more often. But certainly a treat like that had no future, even in times like those in which the citizen was infinitely less vandalism.

    Oh and make copies tag my congratulations for all the contributions you're doing and what you do every time you place a new. Really admirable eres.

    • No you're wrong a lot Manuel, ni has exaggerated, to fawn same thing happened to the plaque to inaugurate the source of the Track, she was taken that night, we almost did not put it even.

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