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Fitero casket

27/11/2009 admin 2

Ivory casket of the Monastery of Santa Maria la Real Fitero. Navarre. Small and carved ivory, it is dated Arqueta of Fitero, for registration, Year 966. It is a masterpiece of […]

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121 Cordoba capitals in the Giralda

23/11/2009 admin 12

Last Saturday, having tea at the home of Manuel parishioner, talked about the issues that usually also talked on this platform. At some point he left the issue of Imagined Museum of Cordoba, del que Manuel opinó que le parecía […]

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Chest of Santo Domingo de Silos Provincial Museum (Burgos).

22/05/2009 Paco Muoz 1

Mohamed'm Zeiyan, Basin.

“He kept the Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos, and now it is saved in the Provincial Museum of Burgos, one ivory casket, knock cap, measuring 345 millimeters long, 200 wide and 190 High.

The jewel is very patched. Because she lost one of the side panels of the box and the upper and the sides of the lid, and will ivory tablerillos were replaced by sheets of gold and enamelled copper, by adding an armor edges, Copper also gold and enamel, to adjust and sustain ivory cloths.