The Museum of the Alhambra in Granada, contains several jewels of great relevance Cordoba. One, and while we're on the Alcázar, is this beam construction belonging to his missing. Of particular interest since there are very few traces that we speak of the magnificence of this building palatal. For the excellent size, I would bet that belongs to the period of Abderrahman III or Alhaken II.
Museum Inventory: 006059
Rankings. Generic:
Covers Xílico. Architectural Element
Object: Beam
Material / Suport: Wood
Technical / s: Painted and Carved
Dimensions: Height = 18 cm; Width = 555 cm; Maximum thickness = 22 cm
Morphology: Nog one piece with very elongated rectangular shape. It is complete in its proportions and measures, but the left side has a great loss of material causing a fracture in the same longitudinal direction of the beam.
The description of the piece by sides: decorating the underside is almost completely lost, sometimes superficial loss and other more deeply, the decoration is concentrated on the right end side
, also defective decorative, two large holes in 6 to 7cm traversing the tree (a central width that loses half with the right quadrangular mark wider and uniform) and four smaller
about 3cm on the upper six holes open square shaped, no excesivamente profundos.
Los nudos de la madera son muy visibles y sus movimientos en el tiempo han dañado, leve, pero visiblemente la superficie.
La impronta de una herramienta cortante se repite varias veces tanto a izquierda como a derecha, la incisión tiene una orientación diagonal.
En determinadas zonas erosionadas, con pérdida de ornato, aparecen adherencias de color rojo, algunas de ellas bastante visibles.
Los motivos decorativos, que cubren dos caras de la viga, se articulan en dos modelos diferentes, uno para su parte lateral y otro para la inferior. Tanto los motivos decorativos de la parte lateral como los de la inferior están inscritos dentro de un marco rectangular en los vértices del madero. The two models are arranged symmetrically around an acanthus leaf or other item that comes from a central stem to develop palms and other plant motifs. Regarding colors
, moieties are green both in the subject and in the bottoms of two sides decorated however
orange remains limited funds.
Technical: Carving on one level with embossed main reason. The colors are applied depending on the subject to characterize, background, stem, leaf, etc.…
Building components: It has a medium nail headless square section. On the right side another larger nail head that if he keeps, square section head has lobed.
Cultural Context: Caliphate
Dating: 901=1000
Origin: Casa en el espacio que ocupa el Alcazar de Córdoba, Cordova.
Source: Museo de la Alhambra de Granada
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