The foreground of the city of Córdoba. 1752

El primer plano de la ciudad de Córdoba. 1752

plano cordoba 1752

The drawing is anonymous and although it has been used in some studies, this is the first time you see the light at an acceptable resolution and accompanied by a comprehensive analysis of the document. While there are drawings of the ancient city, known as published in Civitates Orbis Terrarum, you can tell by the graphical construction, the foreground is known city. It is in the archives of the Cathedral, dentro de la colección de documentos Vazquez Venegas y catalogada a mediados de 1970. For you who like the issue of missing Córdoba walls and doors, or for those who seek the monasteries of extramural, the document will be especially interesting. I have not been able to extract more definition that you see, but you can consult the Art Magazine Archive Spanish CSIC. I put down the link to consult digitally, Article'm sure more than one is going to be interesting.

Spanish Art Archive, Flight 83, Not 329 (2010):23-40
The city of Cordoba in foreground: a schematic drawing of 1752
Antonio Jesús García Ortega, Antonio Gámiz Gordo

This research is about an anonymous drawing archives of the Cathedral of Cordoba, published hitherto poor quality graphics, poorly dated and just not studying. Part of the documentary collection "Vazquez Venegas", whose analysis can reveal its purpose and date it in 1752. We are in the foreground known city of Cordoba, valuable evidence for urban whole and their architectures. Comparison with other drawings of cities between the twelfth and early nineteenth centuries to understand your schematic graphical construction within a wide temporal context. Next to the parish churches of the city and some of its convents, appears the wall and its gates, providing interesting data on lost or transformed elements of the landscape.


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