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The pictorial museum optical scale

29/01/2010 admin 0

Antonio Palomino, born in Bujalance, near Cordoba, in 1653, was pretty mediocre painter little known and appreciated today. He enjoyed the influence of Valdés Leal and Alfaro, and after settling in Madrid, where later […]

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Averroes (1126-1206)

29/01/2010 admin 0

Averroes (Ibn Rushd), philosopher and physician, surnamed the Commentator because it was the first to translate Aristotle into Arabic and commented. He was born in Córdoba in the century 12 of an illustrious family, and became famous both for its […]

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The Muslim eschatology in the Divine Comedy

29/01/2010 admin 0

THE LEGEND OF NIGHT JOURNEY AND ASCENSION OF MUHAMMAD THE DIVINE COMEDY collated GENESIS OF THE LEGEND 1. The Muslim legend night journey and ascension of Muhammad to the mansions of grave, has been the genesis and […]

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Pablo de Céspedes (1538-1608)

29/01/2010 admin 0

Painter, sculptor and architect. He was born in Córdoba year 1538 in the house of Francisco Lopez Aponte, prebendary of that holy church, and uncle Alonso de Céspedes, our father and brother of Pedro Pablo de Céspedes, whoever […]

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Restoration as an historical process. Velazquez Bosco

25/01/2010 Esteban 2

According to the different historical periods, restorers of historic buildings architects, have undertaken this work different approaches. From a reconstructive intervention, rehabilitative architect and "stylistic" as Viollet-le-Duc did with the walls of Carcassonne, to the defense of […]