Fitero casket

Ivory casket of the Monastery of Santa Maria la Real Fitero. Navarre.

Dand small size and carved in ivory, it is dated Arqueta of Fitero, for registration, Year 966. It is a masterpiece of production of Spanish-Muslim workshops, for the period Caliphate. Like other works of his style and chronology, as the Hispanic Society pot or box of Valencia de Don Juan Institute, was designed to contain perfume or jewelry, but to pass ecclesiastical hands went to shrine. His arrival in Fitero is unmasked by a monastic shrine inventory, where we read verbatim: “ark that is ivory and all in one piece and carved all relief, that the lid has a large sign with many relics Arabic not know who they are and there is a letter from Abbot Egües of 1523 it says they were given the largest church sacristy Pamplona dela….Do not know who they are before they were in silver and 1270 Navarrería entered and took everything”. The text does not specify whether the basket was also a gift of the canons of the said abbot Pamplona.

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